Share bluetooth mouse between dual boot Win10/Linux

I have recently wiped my old laptop with dual boot Win10 and Arch Linux. My bluetooth mouse can store 3 paired devices but it will be nice to use the same slot.

Thanks to stackexchange, I found it is possible. But some updates are needed.

  1. Windows Regedit will not show content of HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\BTHPORT\Parameters\Keys No additional tools are needed as other posts, just “Export” it. The subkey values will be in the exported file.
  2. The key is not a single hex string, there are 4 of them: IRK, LTK, EDIV and ERand. They mapped to /var/lib/bluetooth/[Adapter MAC]/[Device MAC]/infokeys IdentityResolvingKey/Key, LongTermKey/Key, LongTermKey/EDiv and LongTermKey/Rand
  3. EDIV is a DWORD on Windows but decimal for Linux. For my case, I converted "EDIV"=dword:0000c8ae to EDiv=51374
  4. ERand needs conversion as well, two bytes to decimal, "ERand"=hex(b):e4,26,8e,2f,52,4d,a7,5a to Rand=58406363992106942842

As other posts reminded, keep the device off when boot Linux.

Categorized as 技术

My cross-platform development practices

I have learned how to develop apps for mobile platform since 2013. It was a very different area for a back-end engineer start working on client.
Almost all projects I worked need cross platform, at least iOS + Android.

After trying 5 different cross platform solutions, I decided to use native platform for my new project now.
The shortage of these solutions are more than the convenience it brings.

  1. Apache Cordova
    Details feel not like real native app. Feature pass.
  2. C++ Manually build library use ObjC link and JNI load it.
    It works perfect, but it’s too complex to keep C++ and ObjC and JNI at the same time.
  3. Xamarin Forms
    Good for CMS like app, if you don’t care the details for different platforms. Cross platform interface design is a wrong direction for most of my projects.
  4. Xamarin Native
    For now, I think this is the best cross platform solution. C# is also better language than Java.
  5. Native for each platform, use OpenAPI generate server stub.
    The most shared logic I wrote with other 4 solutions are client/server RPC. OpenAPI/Swagger solved this natively.
Categorized as 技术

[Resolved] Codesign error over SSH on macOS 10.12+


I have a shell script running in Jenkins to build my iOS projects. It runs over ssh on a Mac mini.

This stopped working since upgrading to macOS Sierra.


The root error of this problem is xcodebuild returns permission denied.

After step-by-step try on a hello world program, codesign returns the detailed error:

SecKey API returned: -25308, (null)____FILE_PATH____: unknown error -1=ffffffffffffffff

The explanation of this error is:

$ security error -25308
Error: 0xFFFF9D24 -25308 User interaction is not allowed.

This does not make any sense because the script created a new keychain and unlocked it. It needs no user interaction.


After three weeks contacting with Apple support, the solution is adding following command before using the newly created keychain:

security set-key-partition-list -S apple: -k <Password> -D <Identity> -t private

This works perfectly, but I cannot find any related document.

The script have been updated.

You-get 用命令行下载离线视频







Categorized as 技术

PsiApp: A simple beta app distribution tool

Recently, and both started to ask personal ID verification for their service.

I use them to install testing build on devices only, It is good to use HockeyApp oversea but clients from China usually have trouble downloading large files.

This result a small distribution tool created to host IPA and APK files easily and privately.

  • It is PHP only
  • No database required
  • Local write access is optional
  • Support iOS/Android/UWP/Windows/macOS


Categorized as iOS, 技术

Resetting the Push Notifications Permissions Alert on iOS

转自Apple官方文档,如何 重新显示 苹果 消息推送 的 权限提示。

Resetting the Push Notifications Permissions Alert on iOS

The first time a push-enabled app registers for push notifications, iOS asks the user if they wish to receive notifications for that app. Once the user has responded to this alert it is not presented again unless the device is restored or the app has been uninstalled for at least a day.

If you want to simulate a first-time run of your app, you can leave the app uninstalled for a day. You can achieve the latter without actually waiting a day by following these steps:

  1. Delete your app from the device.
  2. Turn the device off completely and turn it back on.
  3. Go to Settings > General > Date & Time and set the date ahead a day or more.
  4. Turn the device off completely again and turn it back on.
Categorized as iOS, 技术






那时候的服务叫ActiveLog,每一个PV记录一行,格式跟Apache Combined Log很类似,我们把WebServer的日志集中记录在统一的Server上(是的,比Facebook开源Scribe早半年[2])。为了存储空间的问题,引入了Hadoop,分布的存储在几百台服务器上。也就是这个结构,运行MapReduce占交换机带宽过大就会把生产集群挤死。







多大的数据量敢叫大数据呢?Wikipedia里面有一句话:As of 2012 ranging from a few dozen terabytes to many petabytes of data in a single data set.[3]

2008年人人网的Log数据一个月有6TB,将就着算half dozen吧,偶尔也要算整年的数据。




谈到大数据应用就涉及三件事:1) Distributed/Parallel computing. 2) Data mining 3) Business Intelligence











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